martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

The Simple Present Tense: Talking about Likes and Dislikes

1) We use the simple present tense to talk about things we like or people like.  


I like Pizza. 

Brianna likes dogs. 

Javier likes Maroon 5.

2) we use the simple present tense to talk about activities we enjoyr doing.


I like swimming.

she likes cooking.                                                          

juan likes camping.  

The table below explains how to make sentences about things people like, using the simple present tense.

3) we use the simple present tense to talk about things or activities we do not like. we use don't instead of do not when you speak, and for informal writing.


I don't like sushi.

They don't like running. 

4) we use doesn't like with third person singular (he, she or it ) 


She doesn't like oranges.

Julián doesn't like dancing. 

The table below shows how make negative sentences using the simple present tense. 

1. Use of the Simple Present

1.1. Repeated actions

My friend often draws nice posters.

1.2. Things in general

The sun rises in the east.

1.3. Fixed arrangements, scheduled events

The plane flies to London every Monday.

1.4. Sequence of actions in the present

First I get up, then I have breakfast.

1.5. Instructions

Open your books at page 34.

1.6. With special verbs

I understand English.

2. Signal words

  • every day
  • often
  • always
  • sometimes
  • never


3. Form

infinitive (3rd person singular he, she, it: infinitive + -s)

4. Examples

Affirmative sentences in the Simple Present
Long forms Contracted forms
I read books. not possible
You read books.
He reads books.

Negative sentences in the Simple Present
You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary do for negations and the infinitive of the verb.

Long forms Contracted forms
I do not clean the room. I don't clean the room.
You do not clean the room. You don't clean the room.
He does not clean the room. He doesn't clean the room.

4.3. Questions in the Simple Present

You need the auxiliary do/does and the infinitive of the verb.

Long forms Contracted forms
Do I play football? not possible
Do you play football?
Does he play football?




5. Questions without question words in Simple Present

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary
(+ n't)
Do you read books? Yes,
do. don't.
Does Peter play football? Yes,
does. doesn't.



6. Questions with question words in Simple Present

Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer
What do you play on your computer? I play games on my computer.
When does your mother go to work? She goes to work at 6 o'clock.
Where do you meet your friends? I meet them at the bus stop.

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

Look at the pictures and write 6 sentences using the information already learned.

 Example: My mom likes dancing.  

Resultado de imagen para they like clipart

Image result for enjoy clipart 

Imagen relacionada


martes, 5 de marzo de 2019


Time expressions with the simple present tense

Imagen relacionada

We use certain time expressions with the simple present tense. 

Test your understanding of these time expressions with this simple grammar exercise.

1. I don’t like to get up early on ………………… . (Sunday / Sundays).
2. How …………………… (often / much) do you go to the library?
3. I …………………… (sometime / sometimes) visit my old friends.
4. I work best ………………….. (in / on) the morning.
5. I don’t sleep well ………………….. (in / at) night.
6. He enjoys taking a nap …………………. (in / at) the afternoon.
7. Do you eat fish ………………… (in / on) Saturdays?
8. I usually have meetings …………………. (in / on) Saturdays.
9. I often work ………………….. (at / in) night.
10. Kent is beautiful ………………….. (in / at) spring.
11. I don’t go to bed before 12 pm ………………… (in / at) night.
12. I don’t have breakfast before eight ………………….. (at / in) the morning.

1. I don’t like to get up early on Sundays.
2. How often do you go to the library?
3. I sometimes visit my old friends. (Sometime means one day. Sometimes means ‘on some occasions’.)
4. I work best in the morning. (We say ‘in the morning’, but ‘at night’.)
5. I don’t sleep well at night.
6. He enjoys taking a nap in the afternoon.
7. Do you eat Fish on Saturdays?
8. I usually have meetings on Saturdays.
9. I often work at night.
10. Kent is beautiful in spring.
11. I don’t go to bed before 12 pm at night.
12. I don’t have breakfast before eight in the morning.

The Simple Present Tense: Talking about Likes and Dislikes   1) We use the simple present tense to talk about things ...